
Why You Need a Traffic Ticket Attorney

Getting pulled over is never a good time. When it’s accompanied by being ticketed, it’s even worse. It happens to the best of us, we get caught going a bit too fast, or we park in a spot we shouldn’t have, and voila, we get traffic tickets. Most of these minor infractions do not require the assistance of an attorney to handle, you can simply pay a fee and move on. However, in some circumstances, the aid of a traffic ticket attorney could be extremely beneficial to both you and your bank account. Whether you simply want to dispute the ticket itself, or if you are attempting to reduce the consequences that you are being charged with, we can help. Let’s take a look at some types of traffic tickets you may need legal assistance with, and then examine why you should hire a traffic ticket attorney.

Types of Traffic Tickets

For most kinds of minor traffic tickets, all you need to do is simply pay the associated fine and continue on. However, if you have multiple traffic violations or if the offense you have committed is quite serious, the consequences may be more severe than a small fine. It is these traffic tickets that you should consider hiring an attorney for.

Excessive Speeding

If you have accrued multiple speeding tickets over a certain amount of time, or if you surpassed the posted speed limit by a tremendous amount, you may be charged with excessive speeding.

Outstanding Warrants

If you have tickets from the past that you have not paid the fines for and you have not established a repayment plan for them, you may have outstanding warrants. This would exacerbate any other traffic ticket that you receive.

Insufficient Insurance

If you are driving with no insurance or you are underinsured, you may incur a more serious ticket, regardless of what offense you were originally pulled over for.

Lack of License

Getting a ticket while you are driving with no license, whether it is revoked, suspended, expired, or simply not with you, can result in steep fines and consequences.

Reckless Driving

Driving recklessly and erratically can be considered endangering those around you. Often these tickets weigh heavier on the consequence scale than others.


Driving under the influence of any substances also carries more severe consequences than minor traffic violations. In some cases, there may even be jail time required.

Why You Need a Traffic Ticket Attorney

While no attorney can absolutely guarantee the results of their efforts, it is always beneficial to have someone with legal experience on your side. Though working with a traffic ticket attorney does not guarantee that your charges will be cleared, you are more likely to see a reduction in charges and/or fees if you are well equipped with the knowledgeable counsel of an experienced attorney. Often, traffic ticket attorneys can suggest traffic school or other reformative programs, or can even create reasonable doubt against the presented evidence.

Hiring a traffic ticket attorney can prove to be extremely beneficial to you if you are facing recurring charges, have outstanding warrants, or are being threatened with jail time or excessive fees. If you have any of these and are seeking legal counsel, or if you have questions about how hiring an attorney could impact your charges, contact Eric Blank Injury Attorneys to handle your ticketing case today.

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