
Minnesota Couple Turns to Eric Blank Injury Attorneys When Their Second Honeymoon in Las Vegas Turns Into A Rideshare Nightmare

No one expects their dream honeymoon to turn into a nightmare. But for one couple from Duluth, Minnesota, that's exactly what happened. Mark and Leslie celebrated Mark's recent job promotion with a romantic trip to Las Vegas. It had been a rough few years financially for them, with Mark out of work for a few years and the couple living on Leslie’s elementary school teacher's salary.

However, within a year of securing a new job as a systems analyst, Mark received a welcome promotion, complete with a much-needed salary increase. Because the couple did not have much money when they got married ten years ago, they did not take an extensive honeymoon, opting for a low-key weekend getaway within driving distance of their home. So when Mark received his promotion and salary increase, he wanted to take his beautiful wife to Las Vegas — a place they’d always dreamed of visiting. Mark even planned to surprise Leslie with tickets to “O” by Cirque du Soleil at the Bellagio hotel once they arrived. He was like an excited little kid who couldn’t wait for Christmas morning to open his presents. His wife had stood by him through hard times, and Mark could not wait to show her his appreciation with tickets to a show she’d always wanted to experience.

Unfortunately, Mark and Leslie were about to receive the worst kind of surprise.

On their first day in town, they decided to take an Uber to their hotel from the airport. However, before they even arrived, they were involved in a terrible accident. Completely blindsided, they did not realize that their driver had veered into oncoming traffic, attempting to avoid a collision with road debris on the highway. The next thing they knew, the paramedics placed them on stretchers, put them into an ambulance, and rushed them to the closest hospital for evaluation and treatment.

Sadly, doctors and tests determined that Mark and Leslie suffered broken bones, internal bleeding, and soft tissue damage. Poor Mark also had head trauma. Their second honeymoon was now officially a Rideshare accident nightmare.

Who Is Liable in a Rideshare Accident?

As they recovered from their injuries, Mark and Leslie felt grateful to be alive. However, they also knew their mounting medical bills would drain their savings. Worse, they wondered if Mark’s job was now jeopardized because of his head trauma. Could he even fulfill his work responsibilities? What about lost wages? Leslie didn’t make as much money as Mark, but her salary had sustained them in the past through financial hardships. What about her lost wages from being out of the classroom while she recovered? Could they hold someone accountable legally for their medical bills and pain and suffering? And, how could they find a competent, trustworthy attorney in a city where they didn’t know anyone?

As Leslie’s nurse checked her vital signs during a visit to her hospital room, Leslie asked if she knew any good personal injury attorneys. The nurse’s face brightened when she mentioned Eric Blank Injury Attorneys, who had helped her best friend during her time of need (see below). When Leslie expressed concern about paying a retainer, the nurse assured her that strategy sessions with Eric Blank Injury Attorneys were free. Leslie and Mark could sit down with a rideshare accident attorney to discuss the details of their case at no cost to them.

She further explained that in her work as a nurse, she treated multiple victims of Rideshare accidents and other personal injuries like slip and fall, dog bites, pedestrian accidents, casino injuries, and bus accidents in Las Vegas. One of them is her best friend, Christina, a casino blackjack dealer who was hit by an individual driving under the influence on her way home from work in the early morning. Eric Blank Injury Attorneys helped Christina obtain the maximum compensation for her multiple injuries, which required an overnight hospital stay and months of physical therapy. Christina, much like Mark and Leslie, had feared the worst. That in addition to her physical trauma, lost wages due to a prolonged recovery would force her to default on her mortgage, accumulate a mountain of bills she could no longer pay, and maybe even lose her job. Thanks to the compassionate, professional, and experienced team at Eric Blank Injury Attorneys, none of her understandable fears became a reality. Instead, Christina discovered the meaning of BETTER with BLANK.

It began with her legal team building a case for her DUI accident in Las Vegas and handling all the details of the case so that she could focus on her recovery. Having formerly provided legal services for insurance companies, Eric leveraged his unique insight about how to defeat them in personal injury cases like Christina’s. Throughout the whole process, Eric expressed genuine interest in Christina’s injuries and helped connect her with the best doctors and therapists to help her make a full recovery. In the end, Christina received the best compensation possible for her medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. She now tells everyone who has experienced a personal injury that they can take it to the bank with Eric Blank.

Christina’s story was all Leslie needed to hear to take action. After thanking her nurse, she contacted Eric Blank Injury Attorneys on her smartphone (which, thankfully, survived the accident unscathed) to schedule an appointment, pending her and Mark’s release from the hospital. She was impressed by the client satisfaction specialist Grace’s compassion and understanding since, at that time, Leslie wasn’t sure about their discharge date. Grace told her to keep in touch and that she would ensure an attorney could speak to them at their convenience, given they were only in Las Vegas for a short time and the situation was urgent.

Strategy Session with A Rideshare Accident Attorney in Las Vegas

Following their discharge from the hospital a few days later, Mark and Leslie headed straight to Eric Blank Injury Attorneys, where Grace greeted them warmly and inquired about how they were feeling. It was obvious from Mark’s head dressings, bandages, and cast on his left arm, and Leslie’s cast on her right arm, plus the fresh bruises on her face, that they had suffered severe personal injuries.

Eric Blank came out to greet them as soon as Grace announced their arrival. Mark and Leslie were taken aback in the best way possible by his warm, down-to-earth demeanor. Eric expressed his sympathy for their ordeal and promised to listen to every detail of their story as he led them into his office.

First, he asked about them personally and listened with sincere interest as they recounted their financial struggles, excitement over Mark’s promotion, and joy at finally being able to take their second honeymoon in Las Vegas. Mark then confessed his disappointment that Leslie missed out on the Cirque du Soleil experience, as he had been looking forward to his wife’s reaction when she discovered the surprise.

Next, the couple shared as many details as they could recall about their Rideshare accident in an Uber—a feat made much easier due to Leslie’s habit of journaling everything. “I’m so used to creating lesson plans for my students that I make it a habit to carry around a journal to document important events,” she explained. “Good thing I’m left-handed!” Eric commended her for having the foresight to write everything down while she was in the hospital. He remained laser-focused as he took copious notes, explaining that he had to investigate the incident by examining evidence and reviewing eyewitness accounts and the police report.

Nevada Rideshare Accidents and Compensation

Next, Eric explained to the couple that their compensation depended on several factors, including:

  • The medical expenses the couple incurred following the crash
  • Hospital bills for follow-up check-ups, treatment, or therapy
  • Cost of medicine needed for the injuries the couple sustained
  • Their lost wages
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Loss of personal enjoyment
  • Punitive damages

Why It’s Best to Work with A Rideshare Accident Attorney

Finally, Eric told Mark and Leslie they did the right thing by seeking out his services because determining liability in a rideshare accident can be a nightmare. Why? It involves the app service, multiple insurance companies, independent contractors, and one or more drivers. Furthermore, laws covering ridesharing are constantly evolving. It is common for insurance companies to impose delays on the payout or avoid it entirely.

He warned them to expect all parties to point fingers at each other and deny their part in the accident. If there is a clear at-fault driver, such as in Mark and Leslie’s case, they would try to settle out of court for an amount lower than what the couple deserves for their injuries and damages.

Finally, Eric explained that Nevada uses a modified comparative negligence law that applies to multiple parties involved in a rideshare incident. From the facts he gleaned, it appeared that Mark and Leslie were less than 50% responsible for the accident, which meant they could recover damages from the other parties. Their share would depend on their part in the accident.

The couple realized they needed the help of a rideshare accident attorney like Eric Blank due to the nature of their accident. Eric assured them that although the process can be daunting and overwhelming, he would handle all the legal issues so they could focus on their recovery. As their free strategy session concluded, Mark and Leslie experienced an overwhelming sense of relief, knowing they had a fighter on their side against the insurance companies and their attorneys.

BETTER with BLANK: More Than Just A Slogan

Thanks to Eric Blank Injury Attorneys, Mark and Leslie’s ordeal had a happy ending. They experienced BETTER Representation, BETTER Communication, BETTER Health, and BETTER Compensation throughout the process. Eric’s insights into the inner workings of insurance companies and how to deal with them and his team’s open lines of communication created a smooth, seamless process for Mark and Leslie. Because Eric helped them secure the BEST doctors and medical professionals, they each made a full recovery, enabling them to return to their successful careers and resume their everyday lives. Finally, Eric went above and beyond a simple settlement to get them the BEST possible compensation.

Remember those Cirque du Soleil “O” tickets?

Eric even managed to obtain VIP seating for the couple, and they have plans to return to Las Vegas to celebrate their win.

Schedule Your FREE Strategy Session and Discover for Yourself Why It’s BETTER with Blank

Have you suffered a personal injury in Nevada? Like Mark and Leslie, work with an experienced personal injury lawyer who can explain and protect your rights, gather the necessary evidence, build a solid case, and handle every legal detail so you can focus on getting better.

Our award-winning law firm, Eric Blank Injury Attorneys, has over 80 years of combined team experience and a commitment to providing unparalleled personal service to our clients. We understand the stress involved in a traumatic personal injury, and regardless of the size of the claim, every client we represent receives the benefit of our dedication, commitment, and integrity. Your case is as important to us as it is to you. Call us at  (702) 222-2115 (702) 222-2115 or complete our online form NOW to schedule your free strategy session—and discover why it’s BETTER with BLANK.

Copyright © 2022. Eric Blank Injury Attorneys. All rights reserved.

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Eric Blank Injury Attorneys
7860 W Sahara Ave Ste. 110
Las Vegas, NV 89117
(702) 222-2115 (702) 222-2115

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